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E-Learning Services and Concepts for Learning Managers



Learning Officers or Learning Managers are responsible to satisfy learning and training needs of the organizations they are serving to. There are various types of platforms and methodologies to satisfy these needs; off-course E-Learning is one the most effective among all the available.


 In this discussion we will restrict ourselves to the E-Learning Solutions and Services. Moving further, you may need to understand following concepts in brief:

Organizational Learning Needs –

  • Understanding: Training or learning which may bring required change or improvement in resources or students to do or realize something in a desired way.
  • Benefit: It is a very skilled job to identify actual skill or change required for an organization which may satisfy its need or improve business performance. Learning officer could be the best person to help an Instructional Designer analyze and identify actual learning needs.

Learning Style/Profile of the Learner –

  • Understanding: Every individual is unique but their personality traits do fall under few common categories. Similarly, learning style is also unique in all learners but they can be categorized under following three headings:
      - Kinesthetic Learners
      - Learners who learn by doing
      - Auditory Learners - Learners who learn by listening
      - Visual Learners – Learners who lean by seeing
  • Benefit: In general, learners have mix of above three styles; our job is to identify dominant style so that we prepare our learning material accordingly.

Learning Delivery Platforms –

  • Understanding: It is platform to deliver learning, for example Classroom, Books, Desktop/Laptop computers, Mobile devices, Learning Management System etc.
  • Benefit: This helps us to understand the strengths and weakness of available platforms and deliver the learning solutions accordingly.

Learning Content Design –

  • Understanding: The content or material which need to be designed (if required convert) and developed in accordance with organizational needs and learning profile of the learner. The types of content are Facts, Concepts, Process, Procedures and Principles. Forms of content are Text, Images, Animations, Videos and Audios.
  • Benefit: Understanding of content design, types and forms help you develop the most relevant learning solution to the requirement.

Conversions –

  • Understanding: It is about translating existing courses into the learner’s preferred language. Along with translation, the look and feel of the course can be customized in accordance with location and its culture.
  • Benefit: We must understand the significance of language of instruction and its environment; it helps you make learning simple and relevant.


Following are the three categories of solutions and services required in E-Learning domain:

Custom E-Learning Course Development

It is one of the most effective and traditional approach of e-learning course development. The name itself defines it as customized e-learning solution or bespoke e-learning solution; it is to solve specific learning problems.


  • Thorough analysis of following important factors:
      - Learning need of an organization
      - Learner
      - Content
      - Delivery platform
  • Custom design and development of the course
  • Instructional strategy for engaging and lasting learning experiences
  • Can be delivered on specified platform of an organization
  • Can be developed for multi platforms


In this approach, learning needs and its affecting factors are analyzed thoroughly to develop the most custom and effective learning solution. The analysis and custom part of the work efforts requires you to pay the deserving cost.

Rapid E-learning Course Development

It is about delivering e-learning course in less time with required effectiveness.


  • A brief analysis of learning need enough to understand specific requirements and standards
  • Rapid development tools for quick and quality output
  • Standard interactions
  • Effective engagement strategies can be implemented
  • Easy to develop courses for multi platforms


A good quality in-terms of learner experience and look and feel can be made in less time and less cost.

Translations and Localizations

This service is about converting existing course content for learners of foreign language, geographical and cultural region.

  • Existing courses can be converted as they are or with enhancements
  • Course environments like images, color and theme of graphic elements can be customized to match with the local culture
  • Existing content like books and manuals can be translated and a course in other language and environment can be created  

Multi-Platform Course Development

Multi-platform course is to maximize or provide easy and anywhere access to learning. A course to launch from devices of different utilities like Desktops/Laptops, Mobile Phone, Tabs etc.

  • Existing course can be converted for other devices using required tools and techniques
  • New courses can be developed to launch through multi-platforms
  • Few changes need to be done to create existing uni-platform course to multi-platform  


Above listed are the common services demanded by companies. As a learning manager or officer you must be able to identify the requirements and select capable vendor to provide the best e-learning services and solutions.

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