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Louisa Farino

flick learning ltd


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E-Learning – What is it and is it right for me?


According to Google, this is the definition:

What is e-learning?

Self-explanatory, but still a bit vague, right?

So, let’s look at what e-learning is in a bit more detail and give you the information you need to make an informed decision about whether it’s right for you and your business.

Firstly, you will hear it described as many different things, including online learning and online trainingYou can see more e-learning jargon here.

In fact, it’s even spelt differently by different people - some people use ‘e learning,’ while others use, ‘eLearning,’ whilst still others - like us - use, ‘e-learning'.

But, no matter how it’s spelt or referred to, the concept remains the same. It involves the delivery of learning materials through an electronic application; more often than not the internet.

As with any innovation, when it first came on the scene people were sceptical, as they thought it would detract from the learning experience as a whole by taking away the human side of things.

It’s now used in a huge variety of applications by many organisations from educational institutions to businesses who provide essential online training for their employees.

When you buy a flick product, one person gets the login details to a website, and they complete the course you’ve assigned to them. The courses are interactive, with elements of text, imagery, video, quizzes, animation, sound, assessments, questionnaires and more.

As an organisation you can easily track your employees’ results and see the extent of their understanding of the topic. It’s easy for you to keep records of who’s been trained, and on what.

When you can do all this so easily, why would you want the alternative: your employees nodding off in front of a dull PowerPoint presentation in a stuffy boardroom?

Today, we even see whole web platforms - like E-Learning Feeds- dedicated solely to the e-learning industry, drawing information from many different sources and authorities that offer industry news, current trends and the like.

What are the benefits of e-learning?

  • You’re able to reach a very broad audience, flexibly, quickly and effectively, at the click of a button.
  • It ensures the learning message is consistent and all users receive the same information in the same format. It’s proven to increase knowledge retention too.
  • E-learning can be updated very quickly to cope with new thinking on subjects and changes in legislation.
  • It can be a great money saving tool as it reduces the need for venue hire, employees having time away from the workplace, and associated travel costs as well.
  • It offers the opportunity to deliver a learning experience that can be far more dynamic than paper-based systems, incorporating gamified elements, quizzes, animated graphics, interactive experiences and further resource libraries all in one place.
  • Tracking the progress, and keeping records on, the people engaging with e-learning applications is a cinch, as is the delivery of certifications on completion of courses and modules.
  • It offers users the luxury of being able to learn where and whenever employees want, and at their own pace.
  • It reduces the carbon footprint of all those involved.

Like all training, it does require the user to motivate and apply themselves and put aside time in their schedules. The thought of interacting with modern technology in this way can cause certain anxieties in those who are less technically-minded, but they’ll soon realise how intuitive and simple e-learning is. For help on how to calculate if e-learning will benefit your company click here.

Current innovations in e-learning.

The e-learning sector is constantly evolving in line with new innovations. flick’s Learning Management System embraces these innovations to offer cutting edge e-learning technology and courses that achieve the best results possible for you and your learners.

Three examples include:

1. Mobile Applications:

Most people today have a mobile phone, and many appear to be constantly attached to it! It makes sense then, that we offer people the opportunity to learn through applications downloaded on their phone. This enables learning on the go, anywhere, and at any time. In fact, our mobile application is at the forefront of this technology because it’s the only one that works both on and offline. There’s no, ‘bad WiFi stops learning,’ scenarios with flick.

2. Gamification:

Gamification is changing the way people learn - for the better, in our opinion. The basic idea is simple. By and large people enjoy, and get highly engaged with, playing games. By taking game elements and applying them to learning applications, you take the laborious perception out of the learning experience, making it more engaging and, ultimately, more successful. For more information on gamification in e-learning click here.

3. Social Media: 

Another innovation we embrace with open arms, social media has a massive influence on our lives, so it makes sense that we harness it for the benefit of learning through Pinterest Boards and YouTube videos. We also allow our users to post recommendations and successes to Facebook and LinkedIn, adding to the feeling of achievement. This broadens the reach and promotes community learning with many people - like us - believing it’s the future of things to come.

So, is e-learning for you?

There’s only one way to find out…

Try flick for free by clicking here.

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Louisa Farino


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