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Effective Buddy Programme


I am looking to implement an Effective Buddy programme within my dept. I have a good understanding of the skills required having been previously been a buddy myself. I would like to know if anyone has written a buddy course and how you approached it. What exercises were used? learning techniques etc. Did this work? I have experienced staff who are willing to become effective buddys' but need to mould them to achieve the results.
Ben Hardman

4 Responses

  1. Buddy Prog.
    I often advocate a 3-way buddy prog. to my corporate clients.
    Max 2 people from the same department – ideally none – and three contacts a month, at least one 3-some face to face.
    Each face-to-face has a focus and structure, the email or phone contacts can be more free-flowing.
    I encourage celebrating what’s right with the world / work rather than whinging about what isn’t.
    Exploring ‘what ifs and maybes’ is encouraged, as is specific time allocation and structures for listening and questions e.g. the Well Formed Outcome model, which is solution focused and future oriented (rather than past and problem!).
    If all buddies work in the same department, they ‘should’ be paired or trio-d with people who do different jobs and who don’t normally work together.

  2. Buddies
    We used an outside trainer and consultant who ran a buddy scheme earthed in equality and diversity as well as staff care issues
    We also developed a sister scheme on mentoring

    Don’t think if that’s what you are looking for?


  3. is this peer mentoring?
    I’m wondering if this is the same as peer-to-peer coaching or mentoring. If it is, I have some material that might be useful.

  4. is this peer mentoring?
    I’m wondering if this is the same as peer-to-peer coaching or mentoring. If it is, I have some material that might be useful.

    I think the previous comment about earthing it in equality and diversity is very important. (I’d like to have heard more about it)