We are a manufacturing company withover 600 employees. We are looking to introduce team briefings, but want to get an effective system in place in order to give in credibility. If you feel you have an effective team briefing system, which has been running for some time, I would be very interested to hear about it. Also, do you keep records of the numbers briefed to? What kind of training programmes did you put in place to ensure a consist standard is achieved? Any information you can supply will be greatly appreciated.
Paul Chetwynd
Paul Chetwynd
2 Responses
Team brief
We use the approach originally recommended by the Industrial Society. If you want some info, call me 01494 604361. Jenny
We also use the Industrial Society Model and are currently relau
hello, We use the Industrial Society Model and have approximately 530 staff over a wide geographical area. We have recently re-vamped the process and have developed a module of a wider Management Development Programme to launch it. The feedback we are getting so far is really very good – if you would like more info please email. (pcowen@ncha.co.uk)
Regards, Pamela Cowen