In a previous article, HR-Today looked at efforts by a growing number of leading companies to find effective work/life strategies. The research is part of "Holding a Job, Having a Life: Making Them Both Possible," a current research project of the Work in America Institute, a not-for-profit research organization.
Here we focus on examples of companies that have found strategies and processes that can be shared with others.
Two case studies to be included in the report and featured at upcoming Work in America Institute events are change initiatives underway at Hewlett-Packard/Agilent and Merck & Co. They highlight breakthroughs in work/life activities with an emphasis on changing work processes and cultural norms. Hewlett-Packard and Agilent Technologies, a recent spin-off of HP, partnered with Artemis Management
Consultants to introduce a process called "ReInventing Work."
The new process helps organizations analyze the interdependencies in the world of work and the world outside of work. Managers and their teams learn how to challenge traditional cultural assumptions and how to redesign their habitual work practices and cultures so that business results are improved and customer satisfaction increases along with employee satisfaction.
The objective is to provide insight on how ReInventing Work concepts can be applied to other organizations to help them more effectively meet their business and work/life objectives.