I am investigating the possibility of putting together an on-line Induction program which will compliment our current 1 day program. The plan is to have the package available over the network, as we do not have an intranet.
However, before I spend numerous hours developing the package I want to ensure that it will be effective and be used. The responsibility will primarily lie with the manager of the new starter to ensure that the program is used. Therefore what I am requesting is if there is anyone out there who is currently using an on-line induction program have you had any problems with people actually using it and what sort of topics have you included.
allison preece
However, before I spend numerous hours developing the package I want to ensure that it will be effective and be used. The responsibility will primarily lie with the manager of the new starter to ensure that the program is used. Therefore what I am requesting is if there is anyone out there who is currently using an on-line induction program have you had any problems with people actually using it and what sort of topics have you included.
allison preece
5 Responses
More information…
I have recently been in touch with a friend who is a Training Manager for a well known TV/Media Company.
They are currently using a similar format i.e. one day induction with additional induction / support material accessed via an intranet.
He may well be able to help/advise as this is exactly what you are trying to acheive.
I have passed the article onto him, and suggested that if he could spare a few moments, he get in contact with you.
Hope he does, and hope it helps.
Kind Regards
Steve Cush
Ardent Evolution
Some reservations
I would have strong reservations about putting together such a programmme, and my reservations extend to the way inductions in general seem to be carried out. The aim of an induction programme is to being people into an organisation – to help them understand how it operates, its culture, its values and so on.
The traditional induction programme isolates people from the rest of the organisation they have just joined. The participants are trained as a separate group from the rest of the company and thus the whole basis for the induction programme fails at the first hurdle. A well-designed induction programme mixes new and established staff members so that new joiners get a true view of the organisation. Most induction programmes I have seen give too much of the wrong information too early for it to have any meaning for the new joiners. A good induction programme is spread over time, working from the essentials to getting somebody up and running and then, over a long time, helping them to understand the organisation better. Strong involvement from existing staff is a must, or you are not truly bringing the new people in.
An online induction programme removes the new joiners a further step, isolating them from each other as well as the rest of the work force.
Online programme are a wonderful complement to a well-designed programme, but arguably have a small role to play, perhaps as a source of information already discussed in the induction programme, an aide memoire, a source of contact with other people in the organisation.
My own feeling is that you should be extremely cautious about the introduction of the on-line component. Really think through what purpose it is intended to serve and question again and again whether it is the most appropriate channel.
I hope this helps, although I suspect it wasn’t quite what you may have expected.
Kind regards
David Cotton
David Cotton Associates Ltd
Make sure the blend is right
Hi Allison
I have designed a number of online induction programmes for organisations where there are concerns about the quality of induction being given in distributed sites – i.e. usually away from the main HR function. The trick seems to be to ensure a blend (I note that you are intending to compliment a one dasy face to face and this is to be encouraged). If you are clear about what you want the online element to do there are real advantages. I would recommend an approach which kick starts the induction – enabling new joiners to have some basic information about company history, any specific rules or legislation, health and safety and procedures which will be valuable to a new starter (for example, what do I wear?). Further information about where to get lunch and how you get a network password etc can ensure that everyone gets a standard introduction to the organisation whilst waiting for there to be sufficient numbers of people to make organising the course viable. Not only that but the information is constantly available – induction can seem a bit of blur for many new starters so a reference tool – perhaps organised as a series of FAQs may be an ideal introduction and ongoing source of information. You say you don’t have an intranet at the moment. All the companies for whom I have designed an online induction have had one, and the most valuable part of the induction programme for both new and established staff members is a guide to what’s on the intranet and how they access it. The objective of these scenario based activities is to develop skilled information seeking amongst new hires. In respect of involving other people this is a must, but senior staff often can’t be available for every induction programme. Get managers from different departments to profile their part of the company on the e-induction site. Most successful e-induction programmes are available to new starters before they join so that if they have web access they can start some of their learning in advance of joining the company and feel less like a fish out of water on their first few days. Of course, this can’t be compulsory and provision should be made for staff to use the online induction in the first couple of days in the company too. One innovation we’ve used which works well is an interview the CEO – a series of question which the CEO answers about the future, development opportunities, themselves as a person (hobbies etc) and what advice they’d give a new starter. this can be a real bonus for staff who might never meet the CEO. we also include an e-mail function to ask a question which doesn’t appear on our prepared list – answers to which can be incorporated in later versions of the programme. I could go on and on, but I just wish you good luck with it!
Online induction is a highly effective solution
Hi Allison
I would recommend as Robin Hoyle did, that you use the blended learning approach to achieve maximum impact, as it meets the learning needs of all employees.
An online induction programme is the perfect way to assimilate new employees into your organisation. They can familiarise themselves with the organisation from day one and have a safe environment in which they can find answers to the many questions they may be unsure of asking and may not come to mind on induction day. It also provides for a far more productive face-to-face session with new employees as they will have all the background information and can engage in a two-way discussion about the organisation.
An online induction programme is also particularly effective for compliance issues such as Health & Safety. New employees can be briefed on all aspects from day one and the database will track that they have been made aware of all organisation policies and regulations.
I wish you every success in your programme.
Marita Ryan
SHR Consulting
Delivering against objectives
Dear Allison,
There are at least four objectives of an induction programme.
1. Information
2. Integration
3. Training
4. Testing
An online solution works extremely well for point number 1 as well as for most of 3 and 4.
Integration and cultural fit is best catered for in a community atmosphere within a half day or full day workshop.
Finally, some areas of training and testing may require physical work and/or physical pressence of a coach.
Hope this helps.
Girish Menezes
Business Development Director