I have been asked to recommend a supplier for an Emotional Intelligence workshop but the 2 that I have used in the past have unfortunately been mediocre at best.
Can anyone recommend a quality supplier of EI training who are competitively priced? What made them so good / better than any other supplier that you have used?
I have been asked to recommend a supplier for an Emotional Intelligence workshop but the 2 that I have used in the past have unfortunately been mediocre at best.
Can anyone recommend a quality supplier of EI training who are competitively priced? What made them so good / better than any other supplier that you have used?
6 Responses
Hi Chris
No hesitation in recommending…
EI Workshop
Hi there
As an experienced trainer of EI and co-author of the internationally released book, Emotional Intelligence Coaching, I am more than happy to talk about a possible EI workship. BCS International, have specialised in EI for the last 8 years or son and we have trained and coached more than 7,000 people in EI with a 100% recommendation rate.
Please feel free to have a look at our website, http://www.bcsinternational.net and contact me if you have any questions
Best wishes
Steve Neale
Managing Director
BCS International
0044 (0)7931 580932
Thank you Steve!
Really appreciate Steve recommending me – happy to give you more information, Chris, I have been trained and certified in the Mayer Salovey original model of EI and the associated test (MSCEIT). Plenty of possibilities to design tailored programmes to match needs. Please contact me (via private message facility I think?) for more …
Thanks again Steve,
Well I did get the impression you know what you are talking about when I met you…
I also didn’t see any fluffy toys, tennis balls or plastic clappy hands so you are already a winner in my book!
Seriously, for anyone listening, margaret would be the first person I would go to for such training and I did actually recommend her to some of my colleagues recently. (I also oveheard some people here who you did some training for speak very highly of you)
See, I’m not grumpy all the time! 🙂
You might also consider Roy Howells. He can be contacted via
mch’s EI Courses
Dear Chris,
mch has signiificant experience in the delivery of emotional intelligence workshops. For more details please have a look at:
A recent client provided feedback through a public leadership and management portal which can be viewed via:
Feel free to get in touch.
Dr Mark Hughes
Director, mch
07932 918 767