We are looking at the possibility of changing the current ELearning package. We use it to create and to manage CBT packages internally within our organisation.
We are looking for something that is reasonably priced, well supported, easy to use and administer.
Your experiences with various packages would be welcomed.
Sarah Worthy
We are looking for something that is reasonably priced, well supported, easy to use and administer.
Your experiences with various packages would be welcomed.
Sarah Worthy
6 Responses
elearning package
you may find Easy Generator useful. It is designed for content specialists to create and manage their courses with no programming skills required.www.easygenerator.com. We havea licence to distribute this in the UK so let me know if you would like any further details.
I’ve found Lectora very useful.
I asked this question early in 2003. I got some excellent feedback from Training Zone members and checked out the leads. I spent many months until I finally spent the cash and bought Lectora. I use it and find it straightforward (I am not an IT specialist)and have sold e learning materials in education based on it.
Best wishes
John Gorton
Direct learning
01723 890913
course content from Word
You may find that “courseGenie” the software plugin for Microsoft Word XP, 2000, can help you with this task.
It allows web pages to be created directly from Word, including Mark -up, styles and navigation all automatically built in with assessment questions, media and will allow stand alone or VLE packaged solutions to be created. The most impressive point is that courseGenie is easy to use. Many LEAs have purchased this for Adult and Community Learning, for this very reason.
Available at http://www.coursegenie.com as a trial (30 days) or buy £ 99
Michael J. Bailey.
Elearning Design and Management Tools
Futuremedia provide design and management tools:
Contact me for further information
e-Learning Authoring tools
We provide 2 low cost e-learning authoring tools. The e-Learning Course Development Kit is designed for HTML developers. With the kit, you develop most of the content in your favorite HTML editor. The Kit provides e-learning specific functionality such as questions, navigation and support for SCORM.
Test Builder creates SCORM-based tests and quizzes. It includes several types of questions and has advanced features such as randomizing the sequence of questions.
You can learn more at http://www.e-learningconsulting.com
Knowledge server fro INDIA
It will be highly advisable to provide World learners with a cost
effective [VLE] solutions both in learning and KM,with value
> additions such as,
> A] On line query management [24/7/365.]
> B] My Global performance Benchmarking, at subject ,topic,chapter
level amongst all the
> registered learners.We are able to provide this unique benchmarking
to all the registered
> 7000,learners on http://apex.mindaxis.com
> C]Mentor[Subject matter experts] are provided free web presence
on our above site
> D]A single point ACCESS for all the key partcipants
> viz.Adminstrators,Instructors,Learners,HRD[They can view the
performance of the learners 24/7/365, via our Knowledge server
> E]We firmly believe,unless, all the learning players who
actually exist in a true learning
> enviornment,closely interact on a regular basis,any on line
offering will fail.
We are prepared to tie up with Any Org,Fees structure can again be decided by the Org.,we will share the
earned revenues on a 50/50 basis.Our knowledge server will manage the entire offering.
Ashok varma
Knowledge server [VLE]is now showcased with the best of breed
players on the most visible
> elearning site in the world.
> URL:http://www.e-learningcentre.co.uk/eclipse/vendors/mgt.htm
> Stephen downes ,Learning guru has a mention on our unique
MINDAXIS offering
> http://www.downes.ca/cgi-bin/website/find.cgi?category=1020681646
> Click Mentor Initiative