I’m looking for speech / elocution coaching, in the London area. Any ideas ?
rick martin
rick martin
I’m looking for speech / elocution coaching, in the London area. Any ideas ?
rick martin
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Middle management’s biggest challenge
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3 Responses
Metis may be able to help you
Hi Rick
Not sure of your specific needs at this stage. Metis T&D Ltd has a number of consultants who work in the area of communication and cover all aspects, from verbal to written and for all scenarios. To discuss how we may be able to help you call me on 0161 875 0103, or email me at antony.dyson@metisltd.co.uk or see our web site at http://WWW.metisltd.co.uk.
Voice Business
Company based in Glasgow called Voice Business, who have a great reputation – and they do travel! Specialise in presentation, with an emphasis on speech coaching – they have drama/tv production backgrounds.
contact – voicebiz@globalnet.co.uk
Cordelia Ditton 0141 357 5577
elocution/speach therapy
I am also looking for the same in London, preferably in South West. any ideas?