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Emotional intelligence


I need a questionnaire to be filled out by individuals as part of a management training course to measure thier levels of emontional intelligence
Ailsa Masterton

I need a questionnaire to be filled out by individuals as part of a management training course to measure thier levels of emontional intelligence
Ailsa Masterton

7 Responses

  1. Make sure you measure the right thing for the right reason
    Hi Ailsa

    Have you established what is the purpose in “measuring” their emotional intelligence? If it is to show them that they are emotionally thick and need to be more emotionally intelligent, is that an emotionally intelligent way of training them to be emotionally intelligent?

    I expect your purpose is more to show that each of them has areas where they exhibit emotional intelligence and encourage them to develop those other areas where they are weaker, which sounds good.

    I was recently asked to complete an EQ questionnaire. It was called “TEIQue-SF”, you may be able to find it on the web.

    A good way of covering this would actually be to deliver a typing tool such as MBTI or Insights Discovery and use that to discuss how EQ comes into it. Try or email me for more details.


  2. Resource material
    Have previously used exercises from a book to greta success built a whole day of Leadership Development around some of the concepts-however the name of which completely fails me at the moment – pregnancy amnesia!!! But it was the EQ something by a lady called Linda ???

    hope this helps, but if not good luck

  3. EQ Questionnaire
    There is a mixed bag of psuedo-psychometric instruments available.
    You don’t mention if you are accredited to a BPS standard. If you are then it may be worth getting trained in Hay’s Emotional Competence Inventory.
    If you want something straightforward you might try Emotional Smarts from
    I should stress that it is not a good idea to use instruments like this on their own – it is important to have the knowledge and expertise to help the group learn from it and to be able to properly address any individual issues.
    Hope this helps

  4. EQi
    There is currently one scientifically validated measure of emotional intelligence the BarOn EQi. not enough room to expalin benefits, process and outcomes here please email me and we can set up a conversation.

    Regards Gary

  5. Attitudinal-based EI questionnaire
    Hi Ailsa

    If you are intending to become accredited in an EI tool, please also take a look at the Individual Effectiveness questionnaire (or ‘ie’ for short). This is an attitudinal based, self assessment questionnaire which goes deeper than other questionnaires. As a client of mine (senior l&d manager of a financial organisation) once said “it reaches the parts other questionnaires don’t reach!”

    Please go to, and also To become accredited you can either undertake the 3-day standard accreditation provided by the publishers, JCA (Occupational Psychologists) Ltd, or through the unique 9 month practitioner programme offered by the Centre for Applied Emotional Intelligence (CAEI).

    Here’s a link to an article I’ve written about how the attitudinal approach to EI is vital in leadership development.

    You can subscribe to the CAEI’s free ezine that this article was published in by going to

    If you would like to discuss which of these two options would be best for you, or how these compare with other questionnaires, please do email me with your telephone number and I’ll give you a ring.

    Best wishes

  6. EQ what do you do with it?
    Think we have a catch 22 here!

    I often wonder what trainers and others do with such questionnaires. Do they set out to change individuals or is it just an awareness programme?

    Very concerned if we are setting out to change our staff, perhaps against their conscious will. And think awareness programmes are a waste of money if you cannot do something with the information given.

    Paul Hobbs
    The Thinking Consultancy

  7. EQindex360
    Hi Ailsa

    index360 offer a range of practical, e-questionnaires that provide honest and reliable feedback on all aspects of performance – one of which is feedback to an individual on their EI skills. It is a 360 feedback appraisal – which is not a psychometric test but based on individual’s perceptions. The questionnaire is totally confidential and will only take 20 minutes maximum to complete. Results are turned around within 24 hours and the reports are easy to understand and work with in a practical way as part of the coaching process.

    Please contact me if you would like to find out more on 0116 259 6896 or visit the index360 web site at

    Valerie Heritage