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Emotional Intelligence


I am looking for more interesting ways of presenting the concept of EQ i.e. not just a one-way 'tell'. Do you have suggestions as to how this can be made more interactive?
Sharon Taylor

5 Responses

  1. We learn best by doing..
    Sharon, You’re right that “telling” gives the information but doesn’t allow for that info to “belong” to the learner. What about giving your group opportunities to try out what you “tell” them. Scenarios that they can discuss and relate to their learning; make suggestions as to how to apply the learning; even replay the scene and attempt to put ideas into practice – be the director. If proactive, they will have imbued the info much more deeply. If you would like to discuss it further, give me a ring. Erica 01235 850581

  2. NLP is the practical side of EQ
    EQ is about the theory, the need and nowadays about the testing (as IQ tests are to “intelligence). Those who have trained in various levels of NLP can demonstrate and teach EQ Course participants to change their emotional responses using different anchors, association/diasociation exercises. Using timelines can be very active when the timelines are put on the floor and walked along – and the monster stuff from the past (or future fear/anxiety) faced and eliminated. Use NLP in your EQ courses to see major changes take place e.g. smokers become non smokers, fear of lifts eliminated.
    Beryl Comar, Dubai

  3. activities for eq
    An execllent resource titled Using Emotional Intelligence at Work is available from Fenman Limited.

    It contains many activities by Mike Bagshaw to add some experiential processes to assist your participants in gaining knowledge of EQ.

    Good luck with it all

  4. EQ –
    I have used exercises from the EQ Activity book by Adele B Lynn as a basis for a 1 day intro to EQ for line managers and had great responses from the attendees. Its about 20 pounds and avilable from Amazon.

    good luck