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Employment Law – Change of Status


I seem to remember reading a recent article in Personnel Today about grounds to go to tribunal if your job status changes - i.e. your job spec remains unchanged but you stop reporting to a director and end up reporting to a less senior manager - was I dreaming? Can anybody point me to the article or clarify things for me? And no, this isn't a personal issue for me!

Martin Schmalenbach

2 Responses

  1. Afraid so

    From memory there have been a number of cases where employees have gone to Tribunal over ‘loss’ of status, but the grounds has generally been victimization / bullying call it what you will, and/or discrimination of some kind.

    You would need to make certain that the person losing their status had no grounds to claim victimization or discrimination in order to limit your exposure. Given todays current climate that could be almost to do.

    I hope that this helps.

    Megan Borysiewicz Cole
    Visiting Lecturer in Employment Law at Westminster Business School

  2. Change in status

    I don’t remember the article but there is the potential for a redundancy situation there although the facts of the case would need to be looked at very closely.

    Quentin Colborn