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Engineering oriented team building activity


I am facilitating a 3 hour team building session for a group of 120 hardware and software engineers. The goal is to engage the entire group (broken in sub groups) on an activity that has a challenging engineering touch. For example, putting together a miniature helicopter. 

We have run out of suggestions, and need help to come up with something fun and challenging.

Any ideas?


3 Responses

  1. mta
    Hi there
    Go to MTA website and buy or hire one of their ready made kits would be my advice.
    Good luck

  2. Engineering Teambuilding

    Hi Veer,

    Not sure if you are looking for something simple you can do your self, how much time you have, if you have a budget, if you need a facilitator or you'll do that yourself, etc.  But a few thoughts:

    * We have a cool team event that is based on the Rube Goldberg principle (take something easy and make it difficult) that would be perfect for a group like this

    * We also have a solar car building event that is also a charitable event, which could fit

    * You might think about building model rockets.  A quick google search will turn up hundreds of different kinds (the good ones require time for glue to dry, so not doable in one sitting)

    If I can help you, please give me shout.

    Have fun!


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