Does anyone have any tips of putting together an interactive session on this? Would need to be a very short session (one hour most) which would be incorporated within the induction programme (but could also be delivered as a separate entity if required). Audience would be a mix of industrial and office workers.
Paula Knowles
Paula Knowles
4 Responses
What information
What sort of environmental information are we talking about here?
A very general awareness covering the legislation, ISO 14001, waste mngt, pollution, water, energy, and transport. I’m sure I could think of a few more areas but these would hte key ones.
Environmental awareness
We are specialists in developing and delivering environmental training materials at all levels. More than happy to help and spread the word. We would like some more information for you to get it right for the participants. Please email us
Mike Timmins
environmental awareness
In regards to your questions for any information on environmental awareness training, did you receive any? I need to develop this training for a client as well. Could you possibly help?