Does anyone have any good exercises or session starters which will create an awareness of the dangers of perceptions and assumptions?
Aileen Duncan
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Does anyone have any good exercises or session starters which will create an awareness of the dangers of perceptions and assumptions?
Aileen Duncan
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3 Responses
1. Try…Ask everyone to recount an incident when they last felt they were in a minority group.What did it feel like,emotions etc
2.GIve everybody a list of professions/chracters from history/jobs.Ask them to place a male/female name by each
3. Disability RIghts Commission have turned perceptions on their head – they have an athletic male in one of their videos walking into a world for disabled.People in wheelchairds stare at him or patronise him, door handles too low, You can create an exercise where a person/tream have to identify how this feels, gender,race or disability
4. Create an interview for employment panel- tell the panel members they have to dream up every possible reason for not giving job to…?gender/race/disabled applicant
5. You are the editor of Sun newspaper – use a male/female opposite word for
think of others=stacks of them
You see where it is going?
I used these when national head of training for the Equal Opportunities Commission and now extensively developed these and more as a freelancer!
Stereotyping exercises
I find that these days you need to be a bit more subtle when getting people to stereo type as alot of people are aware of obvious ones. I have a number of exercises and would be glad to share/ swap with others who may be interested.
You can e-me if you want to know more
Equal opportunities
I have a couple of group activities that focus on ethnic, racial and sexual diversity.