I’m looking for a value-for-money guide to equal opportunities law to help ensure that a company is operating within the law, and can establish and implement an EO policy. Thank you in advance for your suggestions.
Wendy Petty
Wendy Petty
I’m looking for a value-for-money guide to equal opportunities law to help ensure that a company is operating within the law, and can establish and implement an EO policy. Thank you in advance for your suggestions.
Wendy Petty
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One Response
Equal Opps Books
Dear Wendy,
How in depth a book are you looking for?
Most of the major HR publishers do them, CIPD too – just make certain that it’s as up to date as it can possibley be, and remember that with the impact of the Human Rights Act, Treaty of Amsterdam, Employment Rights Act, et al only starting to be felt any policy that you write will probably need looking at every six months or so until 2003 when all the provisions come into force.
As a Visiting Lecturer in Employment Law at Westminster Business School, I know that there are a lot of facets to Equal Opps policies that need to be understood and placed in company culture before your exposure will really be limited.
If you’d like to discuss aspects of Equal Opps Policies, then feel free to get in touch at mex@libertysurf.co.uk.