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I am currently updating our training evaluation forms to make them more effective and relevant. I am concerned, however, that evaluation forms aren't always the best way of capturing feedback.

We have a lot of staff who have literacy and numeracy concerns and also whose first language is not English. We run Basic Skills courses which have a very good uptake and that have made a difference to a lot of our staff.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how best I can get feedback from staff, without singleing them out? Currently, they are given our standard feedback forms, but I have raised concerns that many of the staff whose feedback we want can't read / understand the forms, let alone write a response.

Any suggestions are gratefully received.
lisa hodge

2 Responses

  1. Why not try
    Dear Lisa,

    There are a number of different things that you can do at very differing cost implications admittedly but it depends on how much you wish to gain the evaluation data, and also whether or not your organisation is a public sector one or not – if it is the bar is raised on what you are required to do:

    1. Have translations made of the forms into the first languages of your staff.
    2. Have the form re-written into plain English.
    3. Have an electronic version of the form created and allow for a Training PC to be dedicated for people coming to complete evaluation forms (you’ll need to give them more time for this).
    4. Create a new version of the Happy Sheet where participants answer a simple question and ring a face to show how happy they are – very smiley through to very unhappy faces. Ask that any specifics should be discussed in person with a member of your training department on a face to face basis.

    I’ve used all of the above, they all worked in their context.

    Or you could analyse the results of the training on an organisational level, looking for changes and improvements most probably resulting from the training.

    Just be more creative than using the old standards.



  2. Evaluation
    We have found a follow up phone call from a management team member worked wonders.
    People are flattered that the manager cares enough to call. Also people will say things that they will not (or can not) write.