My colleague and i are planning to run some groups on sexual health in South East/South LOndon with minority ethnic women. The sessions will be sometimes facilitated by interpretators. The challenge is to have a formal or informal evaluation tool that can take place before during or after sessions. This is because some times the women have to leave before the group finishes or don’t turn up because of more pressing needs. Some of them may be refugees/asylum seekers and life isn’t always tidy. I don’t think smily faces is quite what i am after…
Pat Grey
Pat Grey
4 Responses
Similar Work
I would be interested in discussing the problem with you as i often work with similar clients. Perhaps you could get in touch if you fancy a chat?
It’s the same the world over
I teach English to this group and it is hard work training them to contact us if they can’t come to class. Being a migrant, and isolated from the general community by a language barrier, makes daily life so much more tedious. They are far more likely to have problems arising as a result of this.
i guess the techniques you use will very much depend on what you are trying to evaluate and what kind of information you want to collect. However evaluation line graphs can be useful in situtaions similare to these and they can be used in different ways. you don’t need to translate these and they can be taken away by individual attendees (though you may never see them again of course!). they can also be done as a group activity if all attendees share the same first/second language which is a nice way of the group sharing what they have learnt most from or learnt about. can also be done after each sub session and people can stick up stickers on a scale of how useful each bit was etc etc. Roger Greenaway is a great source of creative reviewing and evaluation. feel free to get in touch if you would like to talk more about any of this. jo 07977 163655
contact with Penny Wolff
Hi Penny, thank you for your reply re evaluating group work with non-english spealing women. I would like to contact you but you did not leave your contact details. Could you be kind enough to post them to me? Or maybe email me direct.