Leadership and followship can be inportant between senior team members/directors to ensure they function effectively and deliver their company strategy and results. Alll to often individual power and politics come intpo play. I am looking for some learning exercises/exploration tools fopr working with a team of directors to explore this concept in a constructive and even fun way to help break down barriers and build a sense of personal responsibility and accountability, increased collaboration and less competetion, for working for the good of the whole team and organisation.
Ideas and/or resources welcomed
Liz Barnes
Ideas and/or resources welcomed
Liz Barnes
5 Responses
this might work
Hi Liz
Oldies but goodies; the business minefield exercise is one which is fun and challenging and could work well here (I’ve used it with exactly this type of team but you may be constrianed by the number of participants; you need a decent sized group ie at least 12 people)
You can get it from my website on the downlaodable resources page about half way down.
Let me know what you think
Focus on harmonious working relationships
Your comment about “increased collaboration and less competition” drew me to your question, and the need for fun.
I have taken part in many drum circle sessions, some as part of an event such as leadership training, some as stand-alone sessions and I am always deeply impressed at the powerfully uniting force a drum circle has on a group – and it happens almost instantly.
People learn to listen to each other and work in a cooperative rather than competitive manner.
Any barriers fall away quickly and the fact that it’s just impossible to not listen to each other and co-operate hits home immediately.
If you’d like to discuss this more give me a call.
Hi Liz
Have a quick look at this site http://www.teambuildingderbyshire.co.uk and see if there is anything which catches your eye. It is basically a product based site for Derbyshire but activities are run by Unique Solutions who are national. If it helps to discus ideas give me a call 01629 691691 http://www.uniquesolutions.co.uk
Colourblind and Minefield
Minefield specifically deals with collaboration versus competition which is good, but Colourblind works really well with senior directors as they can talk but don’t listen well. I really like the Colourblind game as you can use it in so many ways, but you do have to buy the set, it’s not something you can run without the kit.
Action Centred Leadership
I can recommend Action Centred Leadership course accredited by John Adair for any level of leadership development.
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