I am updating a 3 hour session on Leadership styles for middle managers in the education sector. I need to replace a blindfolded towerbuilding task with something new, as a number of our competitors are using the same activity. The current activity lasts just over an hour. Its a fantastic exercise and I'm willing to 'trade it ' for any new ideas!
Many thanks
I am updating a 3 hour session on Leadership styles for middle managers in the education sector. I need to replace a blindfolded towerbuilding task with something new, as a number of our competitors are using the same activity. The current activity lasts just over an hour. Its a fantastic exercise and I'm willing to 'trade it ' for any new ideas!
Many thanks
2 Responses
the blind minefield
OK, so it is still a blindfold exercise, but the blind mine field (available as a free download on http://www.coach-and-courses.com) is a great vehicle for looking at different leadership styles…..it does require space and a respectable number of people though, but it is worth a look
Leadership Activity
Hi Sally,
Have you tried "The Bank Job"?
Its great at demonstrating the importance of collaboration as well as highlighting different leadership styles.
It's available from here but not cheap I'm afraid!