I am looking for an exercise or two that will have impact on a facilitation and meeting skills training course. I know of an exercise where the individuals rank by importance, items that will help them survive. Does anyone have this exercise or one that is similar, that also has the correct ranking of items and the explanation why?
Urgent request, please help.
5 Responses
Survival Game
I have the Survival Game as a Word document. Drop me an email at tlewis@mango.org.uk and I’ll send it to you post haste!
Is this the Landing on the Moon Exercise
If so – I have it – archived at home!! Email me on jcarter@gedc.org.uk and I will send it onto you.
I also have the NASA moon landing with rationale on a word doc. e-mail me on jacque@nascr.net for a copy
Different kind of survival
Hi there Emily,
Happy New Year!
Knowing the area of of what that your organisation is in I have a really good one from a course I ran way back …
It’s called the Kidney Machine and is great for not for profits, basically only one slot on the dialysis machine, who should fill it.
Very useful in that you have a number of ‘patients’ each one of which can have a facilitated discussion solely on them and their needs, before finalising on a ranking.
Drop me a line if you want to have a look at a copy.
All the very best,
Effective meeting skills
Hello Emily,
Did you manage to find any resources for facilitating meetings. If you did can you share them with me as I am looking for some exercises to use on a’Conducting Effective Meetings’ course.