As a Training and Development/Career Development Adviser I am looking for a potential training partner with whom to design and facilitate some half day workshops for Managers on how to manage flexible working.
The workshops will need to cover topics such as Effective Management of staff working remotely (generally from home) and the more general challenges of managing staff on different working patterns whilst not compromising delivery of results.
Does anybody who has rolled out flexibl eworking initiatives in their organisations have any recommendations for suitable companies to talk to ?
Any responses would be appreciated by the 24th November.
Thank you.
Helen giblin
The workshops will need to cover topics such as Effective Management of staff working remotely (generally from home) and the more general challenges of managing staff on different working patterns whilst not compromising delivery of results.
Does anybody who has rolled out flexibl eworking initiatives in their organisations have any recommendations for suitable companies to talk to ?
Any responses would be appreciated by the 24th November.
Thank you.
Helen giblin
3 Responses
The Virtual Teams Handbook
Dear Helen
I am unable to recommend a suitably qualified provider to assist you with this project but with the right support you could certainly design and facilitate these workshops yourself.
There is no doubt that technology has radically altered the way that teams operate in modern organisations. Email, voice mail, teleconferencing, web meetings and instant messaging are making flexible and remote working possible and increasingly superseding face-to-face interaction in the interests of speed, economy and practicality. Equally, as these new methods gain widespread acceptance it is all too easy to overlook the new management problems generated as a result. Where two or more people work together to accomplish a common goal using technology as their primary mode of communication they are increasing being described as a virtual team.
Back in 2003 I reviewed a very useful package from the Ken Blanchard Group called The Virtual Teams Handbook. The resources provided could certainly be used to support your managers in adapting to manage staff working remotely and flexibly. You will find my review on-line at:
The topics covered include:
1 An overview of virtual teams and how they function
2 The 3 key challenges faced by groups working virtually- trust, attentiveness and communication
3 Guidelines for helping teams get off to the right start by following the chartering process
4 Worksheets, forms and activities to assist in structuring, improving relationships and productivity
5 Tips on troubleshooting common communication problems.
The section of the Ken Blanchard site that my review is linked to seems to be down at present.
You can find out more at:
Flexible Working
There is a good deal of free advice and resources from the Equal Opportunity Commission website,the Fawcett Society and New Ways to Work
We have also used a training company who have helped represent people internally and externally when employers fail to CONSIDER CAREFULLY any request to change working patterns in order to reconcile work-life balance issues
E mail me if you would like their details
All good wishes
Try FlexWorks!
I can’t recommend Carol Savage at FlexWorks too highly. She’s been doing this sort of thing for a long, long time.
020 7908 5415
I hope this is not too late for you and good luck!