I work for an educational charity that is looking to provide teachers, parents and governors with training, both directly ourselves and through accredited trainers. Does anyone have ideas as to which organisations might be worth investigating re sponsoring our training programme? Thanks.
Mary Jackson
Mary Jackson
5 Responses
Hello Mary,
I have been developing training to support Trustees and Boards within the YMCA for the last 2/3 years and now work with a variety of organisations. If you get in touch I’d be pleased to explore the possibilities
Educational training
You could try [www.acer.ac.uk] and [www.keyskillssupport.net] for starters
Focus of the training?
What type of training? There may be specific funding streams for IT skills or basic skills.
Certifcate in Volunteer Management
There is a new qualification called the Advanced Certificate in Volunteer Management at Level 3. This comes under the National Qualifications Framework and is hence eligible for funding from the local Learning & Skills Council. The certifcate is obviously more for those involved in working with such volunteers rather than the volunteers themselves.
Don’t know if this helps
Rob Cockburn (rob@businesswork.plus.com)
Commercial partnering
I work for a commercial software company and we are helping provide funding for an international educational charity. We give 2/3 of profit back to them for funding international teacher training etc. If this is an option consider finding a commercial partner. Other ideas, local rotary clubs, or ask at the Campaign for Learning http://www.campaign-for-learning.org who have several large sponsors.