With the current economic climate restricting training budgets, particularly for the smaller end of the SME market, and because funding is so complicated, I am looking for a company or organisation that specialises in finding funding opportunities in the UK. What I really want is to be able to tell someone where my client is based, what training they want to provide and then get advice on what might be available and how to get it.

7 Responses
Hi Ruth
you say
"……where my client is based, and what training they want to provide"….is your client the employer of the people to be trained or the provider of training?
I can’t advise on specialist companies to help access funding but I can suggest you check out the new Skills Funding Agency at http://skillsfundingagency.bis.gov.uk/
Hi Ruth
Shouldn’t Business Link be able to provide advice? I don’t know what areas you’re in. I’m in Yorkshire and know of one company: http://www.red-sky.co.uk who act on a client’s behalf and do all the admin. etc to obtain funding, but I think they just operate in the North. Also some universities with business schools act as a conduit for funding. I don’t think there’s a one-stop shop – if there is perhaps someone could tell me!
I had a similar conversation recently and there is a company http://www.trainingpromotions.com who are launching later this month. They will have a section on the web site that deals exclusively with funding, i.e. who has it and how to get it, as well as offering a bespoke finder service. If you haven’t found anything in the next couple of weeks, maybe you could look there. They have a web site up now with contact details so you might want to give them a ring for more information to see if they may be able to help. Otherwise as already mentioned Skills Funding Agency, Business Link, Sector Skills Councils are a good place to start.
Funding for training
I work for a large organisation split accross several SBUs and we’ve used a consultancy recently to access a significant amount of funding.
If you want to contact me on Jane.Hodgson@uk.delarue.com I’ll happily give you more info.
Finding Funding
Hi Ruth,
I suggest you seek out the appropriate National Skills Academy for your industry. I work in insurance and the National Skills Academy (Financial Services) is a fountain of information on up-to-date funding available to all sectors, private and public. They also have many links to colleges and training providers who have their own funds. Good luck.
Funding bodies
Hi Ruth
Try the relevant sector skills council. I work for People 1st, the sector skills council for hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism and we have information on some of the funding available for SMEs in our sector and would put you in contact with the local Train to Gain broker.
Hope that helps