Looking to send someone on an Excel XP course in Leeds. Firstly does anyone know of any IT training companies in Leeds.
Secondly, we used to use National Training Index to research open programmes. this now doesn’t exist. can anyone recommend any good, free alternatives. The one on this site isn’t very comprehensive. Looking for a register of all training companies for all different types of training (from management to IT) in the UK. Any suggestions gratefully received.
Vivienne Robinson
Secondly, we used to use National Training Index to research open programmes. this now doesn't exist. can anyone recommend any good, free alternatives. The one on this site isn't very comprehensive. Looking for a register of all training companies for all different types of training (from management to IT) in the UK. Any suggestions gratefully received.
Vivienne Robinson
5 Responses
Training Database
TrainerBase, http://www.trainerbase.co.uk is one such free searchable online database for finding Trainers, Open Courses, Resources etc. Trainingpages is probably the site with the largest number of courses. There is also BookaTrainer which if I recall acts as an agent.
Hope that helps.
Training Pages
Training pages is always a good start. http://www.trainingpages.co.uk
Also, Parity training (www.paritytraining.co.uk) have a leeds training centre.
IT Training in Leeds
In addition to parity you may want to try
hope they help
Excel XP Training
Hi Vivienne
I’ve just registered today with the site. This may be a little late and you may indeed have already found a solution but you may like to try Xpertise in Leeds 0113-261-5011.
If not look at;
http://www.TheCustomerServiceAcademy, we may be able to help with another supplier.
Training company in Leeds
Hi, I can recommend Interquad Learning. They are a 5 minute walk from Leeds station and their trainers are excellent. They also have e-learning options to back up the experience in the classroom.