I am a successful primary school teacher aged 42 with a B.Ed degree who has experience of managing and training adults as well as children. I would like to join a company interested in employing someone with a professional approach and good communication skills.I realise I have no business experience. What do I need to know and what qualifications are necessary to become a trainer? Do I need a job before I can get on an I.P.D. course? Does my experience count?
Christine Chapman

4 Responses
Contact the Society of Effective & Affective Learning (SEAL)
Recommend you to get in touch with the Society of Effective & Affective Learning (SEAL) operating in UK. I was a foreign member many years ago, but I have lost touch with them. To me it may be a good place for you to get started. Don’t worry about what you don’t have or can’t do. Pursue what you want to do and capitalise on your vast experience as a school teacher. If you want books for beginner-trainers, recommend you to get hold of any books by Eric Jensen (e.g. SuperTeaching, Brain-based Learning) or Bobbi de Porter (e.g. Quantum Learning, Quantum Teaching, Quantum Business). Bobbi was one of my corporate teachers in USA many years ago. Both of them were the original creators of the world-famous SuperCamp for kids, and are now great teachers of adult trainers.
contact of SEAL in UK
I managed to track down SEAL in UK as follows:
phone 44 1225 466244, email: director@seal.org.uk. They have a website http://www.seal.org.uk. From my past experience as a member, they have a lot of interesting training programs for beginners. Good Luck!
CTP is useful
I have a lecturing background, but am just completing the IPD’s Certificate in Training Practice and one our group was a Primary School Teacher! Previous experience doesn’t actually count on this course, although it did come in handy … You don’t have to be in an official training capacity, but you must be able to prove you have carried out 30 hours of training across the year – and be observed on one of the sessions.
Teachers joining the World of Training
I am an ex RAF aircraft technician who nows teachs Adult Evening Education classes as well as working full time as an IT trainer for our City Council. My background was to prove I had the capability to teach the evening classes by sitting in and helping with someone elses class. This resulted in being offered my own classes which snowballed very quickly. It seemed that working in one Adult Education facility was acceptable to work in others. This and teaching 1 day weekend courses at our local Adult Education College gave me the experience I needed when I left the RAF and looked for work as a trainer. I applied for 3 positions and was offered all 3. Nice if it happens to you. After 20 months I am now the dept’s Senior Training Officer. We also have in the Authority’s central training dept an ex teacher who acquired her position by simply applying for the job. Her experience and qualifications were found to be perfectly acceptable for the position. She has allegedly received no further teaching/training qualification for her work.