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Five new resource in the Toolkit


In line with our policy of publishing more practical resources each month, the following have now been made available:-

Trainer methods
Role plays and simulations
An introduction to the use of role plays and simulations, particularly within youth programmes and other gaming contexts, but with some thoughts about wider usage. From 'The New Youth Games Book' by Alan Dearling and Howie

Organisational development
One step beyond the familiar Smart objectives is this revised idea of making goals Smart-er

Personal Development
Decision making has been made into a 'technical' area The intellectual process is neatly expressed, but there has been far less work on on emotional aspects of decision-making which is crucial to very different ways in which individuals react.

Manage yourself and relationships
A reflective exercise from Sam Ashton which, while it won't prove anything or solve any problems offers a method for analysis in order to manage relationships. Even if the issue is not a relationship but, for example, a personal habit, this kind of questioning is still applicable

Learning methods
Learning Skills survey
A self-assessment survey designed by Peter Honey to help you reflect on your own learning skills - and point towards some areas for development.