We are an HR Consultancy firm based in Muscat/ Oman.
We are also one of the main training providers in Muscat.
We wish to associate with Freelance Trainers in discipline of Operations Management for training program in Oman.
Training program in Operations Management covering Logistics, Purchase; Supply Chain; Vendor Management etc.
Interested trainers to get associate with us for trainings in Muscat can contact me on kavita@competencehr.com
About us: www.competencehr.com
Kavita Menghani
Kavita Menghani
We are also one of the main training providers in Muscat.
We wish to associate with Freelance Trainers in discipline of Operations Management for training program in Oman.
Training program in Operations Management covering Logistics, Purchase; Supply Chain; Vendor Management etc.
Interested trainers to get associate with us for trainings in Muscat can contact me on kavita@competencehr.com
About us: www.competencehr.com
Kavita Menghani
Kavita Menghani
One Response
Finding Freelance Trainers
Hi kavita
Have you tried http://www.trainerbase.co.uk ? you can search for trainers with both occupational competence and used to working in your part of the world.