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fun practical game to use for training in critial path management


I am developing a module for training an apparel manufacturing company’s employees on how they can use project management skills and methods especially critical path management to plan and schedule and track and control their various export orders. Pls help me with some easy, fun and practical games that I can use in the training session to bring out the skills. thanks.

I am developing a module for training an apparel manufacturing company's employees on how they can use project management skills and methods especially critical path management to plan and schedule and track and control their various export orders. Pls help me with some easy, fun and practical games that I can use in the training session to bring out the skills. thanks.

2 Responses

  1. Make a cup of tea
    In the past I have used “making a cup of tea” as a fun project applying the principles of CPM.

    Strat by getting learners to list evey task required to make a cup of tea, (either do this on an indibvidual or small group basis)

    Then get eveyrone to put each task in the most logical order for a cup of tea to be made, using a simple flow chart step process.

    Then identify the estimated time for each task and any dependency on other tasks in process.

    Then identify where specific task can be complted in pararell with others without causing conflict.

    The challenge is to see who on paper can make a cup of tea the quickest. But the real fun begins when you get two small groups to compete against each other in actually making a cup of tea using the CPA they have produced.

  2. cpm games
    thanks for the idea.. i think it makes super sense. what are the pitfalls you would warn me against from your experience of actually conducting this game with the audience… I work with 12-15 persons group at a time… so appreciate any more inputs on what could possibly go wrong.. so i am well prepared..
    appreciate your response.