Can anyone recommend a fun team indoor game for up to 20 participants to last between 1-2 hours? We’re running a Team Building Day and need something light to finish it off. At the moment, providing the weather is good, we’re planning a couple of hours of outdoor fun (frisbies, softball, etc.) but we need a back up plan in case the weather is bad. Any suggestions?
Many thanks
Can anyone recommend a fun team indoor game for up to 20 participants to last between 1-2 hours? We're running a Team Building Day and need something light to finish it off. At the moment, providing the weather is good, we're planning a couple of hours of outdoor fun (frisbies, softball, etc.) but we need a back up plan in case the weather is bad. Any suggestions?
Many thanks
3 Responses
Hi Miriam
Have a look at http://www.teampedia.net
It has 100s of activities so I’m sure you can find something to suit
Team building with value add
Hi Miriam,
not sure how ‘heavy’ your day is going to be that you feel the need to have something ‘light’ as you say at the end of the day…but softball and Frisbies? Honestly?!!
If you’re just trying to have a ‘jolly’ event then these would fit…but in our experience ‘jollys’ do little more than create a peak of motivation within the team that is not sustained as it doesn’t address the real issues within the teams dynamic or performance. I’d also suggest that attendees (and the budget holder!) would start to question the relevance and ROI gained from playing softball on work time?
There are plenty of enjoyable fun experiential activities that can be linked to business / team development issues and theory.
If you’re stuggling to find any try this link http://www.toojays.co.uk/library/products/107.ten-in-one_team_assessment_tasks.html
Or contact me for some ideas…happy to help.
Team Bonding Ideas