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Funds on offer for Internet training in healthcare


PPP Healthcare Medical Trust is making a total of £1m available in grants of between £15,000 and £120,000 for three years to fund the development of new information skills and produce electronic information resources for patients, healthcare and clinical staff and those working in research and support areas.

The fund aims to support training in searching for health information on the Internet, training for developing web resources for others and developing new learning resource content for areas where there are gaps, such as complementary medicine and information for schoolchildren. It also plans to fund projects for training in research skills.

Voluntary sector organisations, academic institutions, NHS Trusts and other public sector organisations can apply for funding for projects. In particular, applications are invited from knowledge managers, public librarians, healthcare librarians, healthcare professionals and teachers.

For further information about applying, please contact David Carrington on 020 7307 2622, or see the website at All applications must be received by 7 September 2001.


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