Appreciate it very much if you could
throw some answers on the Fuctions of HRD please. Need to submit
a paper for Manangement Commitee .
Thannsk and best regards
Majid Salleh
majid salleh Bin
throw some answers on the Fuctions of HRD please. Need to submit
a paper for Manangement Commitee .
Thannsk and best regards
Majid Salleh
majid salleh Bin
One Response
HRD Functions
This is very fundamental and descriptions would be available in any introductory training and development text.
Fortunately the functions are largely linear which makes it easy to follow. It goes like this:
Core functions
1. Identify training and development needs
2. Determine how needs will be met
3. Deliver training and development
4. Assess outcomes
5. Record attendances and outcomes (records management)
6. Evaluate programs
Peripheral functions
1. Strategic and Operational planning
2. Marketing and PR
3. Managing budget
4. Managing staff
5. Networking and client relationship management
And of course there could be others depending on how the specific HRD unit was set up.
This should at least be a start Majid.