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Gallup Q12


A colleague of mine is currently researching best practice around Employee Engagement. We currently use the Gallup Q12 to measure engagement and have improved our Grand Mean score from year 1 to year 2.

Does anyone else use Gallup Q12? Has anyone got any research that may help me?

Also FREE LUNCH – would anyone who uses Gallup Q12 like to come to a meeting at our premises in Berkshire on 19th Jan to explore this topic further? I will provide details once you have registered an interest.
Michelle Palin

A colleague of mine is currently researching best practice around Employee Engagement. We currently use the Gallup Q12 to measure engagement and have improved our Grand Mean score from year 1 to year 2.

Does anyone else use Gallup Q12? Has anyone got any research that may help me?

Also FREE LUNCH - would anyone who uses Gallup Q12 like to come to a meeting at our premises in Berkshire on 19th Jan to explore this topic further? I will provide details once you have registered an interest.
Michelle Palin

One Response

  1. History of Q12
    At the company I work for Q12 is used.
    When we started using the survey aspects of the terminology rang bells in my psychi as I had written a Masters dissertation concerning “alienation” i the IT industry.

    I feel that Gallup used much of the work of “Christina Maslach” who is at the forefront of occupational “Burnout” research. She produced the “Maslach Burnout inventory” in 1981, The terminology is extremely similar to Gallups.

    I find Gallups approach too
    1. If managers within a company are switched on to the “soft” signs of disengagement they will be capable of identifying them.
    2. My feeling is that many managers are under qualified as “managers” per se , have not studied for management qualifications and pass on bad habits to their subordinate supervisors. How many supervisors are studying for Chartered Institute of Management qualifications, for example. I did a full time DMS years ago, where we completed many hours of roll play to cover the sorts of issues being indentified by Gallup.
    3. The idustry I am currently in payroll systems is extremely task orientated so the approach to undertaking the “impact exercises” is task (project)orienated. Must be done – company dictact.

    Personally it is Q12 that disengages me.