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Generation21 learning systems selected by AT&T broadband for customised employee training


AT&T Broadband in Colorado, USA, has signed a licence agreement with Generation21 Learning Systems to use the Total Knowledge Management(TM) (TKM(TM)) system as a primary means of training employees and providing ongoing performance support for its workforce.

Based on the patent pending technology of Dynamic Learning Objects(TM), the TKM system is the only integrated enterprise-wide training and knowledge management software on the market. The system, which consists of nine fully integrated modules, will be the training and knowledge management system for approximately 1500 employees at AT&T Broadband’s Network Operations Centre.

This agreement signals a milestone, as it represents the first acceptance of Generation21’s Total Knowledge Management system within the telecommunications industry. Originally developed for the training at Cape Canaveral in 1996, TKM’s install base has since grown to include more than 25 Fortune 500 companies supporting over 100,000 users.

“AT&T Broadband believes that success is directly related to training the right people to do the right things,” said Steve Madsen, AT&T Broadband training manager. “Turning our training materials into learning blocks—Dynamic Learning Objects—results in customised coursework for every learner,” Madsen said. “This allows us to respond to the needs of all of our employees as individuals.”

Using a fully integrated system also means that once training is complete, employees have access to on-demand performance support. Madsen says this is essential for ongoing learning and will help employees provide optimal customer service. Generation21 Learning Systems, a subsidiary of Advantage Learning Systems Inc.(Nasdaq: ALSI), developed the Total Knowledge Management (TKM) system as a technology infrastructure that provides development, delivery, and management of knowledge for training and performance support.

TKM, featuring Dynamic Learning Object technology, includes gathering, organising, distributing, training, and updating functions. The fully integrated Development, Publisher, Distance Learning, Management, and Extended Learning System modules work from a common relational database and use Dynamic Learning Objects that enable customized course work and on-demand performance support. Access the Generation21 Web site at


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