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Today’s tip is a very simple and straightforward one. Get out of your office!

When you feel a bit low or are running short of ideas and inspiration it’s all too easy to sit there staring at the wall or to waste time aimlessly surfing the web. But you won’t win any new business by hiding away from the world. People need to meet you, talk to you, understand what you do and how you can make a difference to their business. Online networking is great and should definitely be in your marketing mix but there really is no substitute for face-to-face contact.

So, take action and draw up a simple networking plan for the next month.

1. Make a commitment to meet 1 contact a week for coffee. Call them up or email them and get them booked in.
2. Find out what networking events are happening in the next month in your area. Get yourself booked onto any that are relevant and affordable.
3. Do something different. Sign up for a seminar, workshop or exhibition that you know your target market will attend. It may be a little more expensive than normal but it will pay dividends if you are going to meet the right kind of people.

Do one of these actions today. It’s better than staring at the wall!

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