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Emma Sue Prince



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Getting the most out of a very large group


Hi everyone

I'm running a 2-hour workshop with 120 "Master Trainers" in India very soon. The brief is to get them talking about various projects they have been involved with (cascade training stuff) and share their experiences and then to give them tips and exercises on how to get the most out of a conference.

I have a few ideas but welcome input on how to make this workshop as interactive as possible with such a large group.

Thank you and I will reference any ideas that I use,

Emma Sue

6 Responses

  1. Unclear

    Hi Emma

    The task seems a liitle unclear? What do want them to be better at after the event? Hosting a conference or training?

    If they are already "Master Trainers" maybe ask for volunteers to demonstrate their latest technique on stage?

    With such a huge group it would be almost impossible to split them into any meaningful smaller groups and them present findings, especially in 2 hrs.

    Good luck, sounds like a tough one. If I was doing it I would use lots of video, etc to demonstrate various speaking etchniques…video is also a good crowd controller so makes your life a little easier.


  2. Clarity

    Thanks Steve. This brief was provided to me by the client. They are Master Trainers but this does not necessarily mean the same thing in India as it might mean elsewhere.

    The two objectives are for them to share learning from projects they have been involved with and to make the most of the conference – I should have mentioned this is a pre-conference event! – so use the conference for networking and for professional development,



  3. Montage

    Do you have access to the Master Trainers before the event? Could they send you slides / video / images of what they have achieved as teams?

    Thinking of the Oscars opening ceremony where they have a montage of the previous years movies.

    Thats the first 10 minutes then 1hr 50 minutes of clips 😉

  4. “speed dating”

    Hi Emma

    you could run a speed dating type activity where everyone is given a set of, say, five pertinent questions to get answers to, from each person they meet, in not more than five minutes.


    1. What was your most satisfying (training) experience in the past 6 months?

    2. What made it the most satisfying?

    3. How could you use that experience again on a future project?

    4. How would you share that experience with other trainers for the mutual benefit?

    5. What could you do to make it even better?  


    Badge half the group as red, this means they sit and stay, the other half the group as blue, this means that they move from person to person in the red group.

    Ring a bell at the five minute(s) point, for the pairs to swap roles: questioner to questioned.  At the ten minute(s) point, blow a whistle to tell the blue group to move one place to the left.

    You'll get a heck of a lot of sharing done!


    I hoep this helps


  5. Getting the most out of a very large group

    Hi Emma,

    what about using the Open Space methodology? You already have the topics (to share learning and to get the best from the conference) The methodology works well with a group this size and generates lots of commitment and enthusiasm. Here is a link that will help: is Open Space



  6. I agree with Rus – I have

    I agree with Rus – I have rang several 'speed dating' type exercises with a big group and it works a treat, gets people up and creates a great energy in the room. You can also give participants a score card where they write down their 'perfect match' – i.e. the idea thats been shared that they think is most useful/ created the biggest 'lightbulb' moment. 

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Emma Sue Prince


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