This is the third in our monthly series briefing you with the lastest news and reports from the UK government as they affect the training and development world.
1 December:
A government survey into Learning and Training at Work 2000 has been published containing preliminary statistics from a survey of a sample of all employers in England. It provides key indicators on employers’ commitment to training and shows changing patterns in both on-the-job and off-the-job training provision. Don’t forget, you can participate in the online Training Trends 2001 survey.
New Deal – Statistics from the Scottish Executive show the number of employers signed up to New Deal by the end of September was 12,300 in Scotland and 78,900 in Great Britain. A summary of all programme statistics for Scotland (up to end September) is available online.
New Deal – New monthly statistics have been published giving key information on the New Deal for 18-24 year-olds and those aged 25+ unemployed for 2 years or more. It includes numbers of starts and leavers, information on gender, disability, ethnic origin, options followed and destinations on leaving. Information is up to the end of September 2000.
Previous issues
Government Watch November
Government Watch October
1 December:
A government survey into Learning and Training at Work 2000 has been published containing preliminary statistics from a survey of a sample of all employers in England. It provides key indicators on employers' commitment to training and shows changing patterns in both on-the-job and off-the-job training provision. Don't forget, you can participate in the online Training Trends 2001 survey.
New Deal - Statistics from the Scottish Executive show the number of employers signed up to New Deal by the end of September was 12,300 in Scotland and 78,900 in Great Britain. A summary of all programme statistics for Scotland (up to end September) is available online.
New Deal - New monthly statistics have been published giving key information on the New Deal for 18-24 year-olds and those aged 25+ unemployed for 2 years or more. It includes numbers of starts and leavers, information on gender, disability, ethnic origin, options followed and destinations on leaving. Information is up to the end of September 2000.
Previous issues
Government Watch November
Government Watch October