I need a great opening activity for our yearly training conference (40 employees from across the United States).
This year will be our fourth Annual Training conference for our training department. We have 40 people in our department scattered across the United States. We only get together one time per year as a training department.
One of the purposes of the conference is to build team bonds even though we are geographically spread out. This opening activity will be the first opportunity to start building the team bonds.
I am in charge of the opening activity. In the past we have had each sub group introduce themselves through some creative venue (one group dressed as the wizard of oz, another did a jeapordy style game, etc.) Another year we did a family feud style game where we incorporated questions about the new members of our department and the changes in our department. The last year we did a baby picture guessing contest and when each person revealed which was their picture they had to introdcue themselves.
Any and all ideas for a great opening would be appreciated. We do have about 5 new members of our team this year so introductions will be important.
Thank you.
Rachel Edelstein
This year will be our fourth Annual Training conference for our training department. We have 40 people in our department scattered across the United States. We only get together one time per year as a training department.
One of the purposes of the conference is to build team bonds even though we are geographically spread out. This opening activity will be the first opportunity to start building the team bonds.
I am in charge of the opening activity. In the past we have had each sub group introduce themselves through some creative venue (one group dressed as the wizard of oz, another did a jeapordy style game, etc.) Another year we did a family feud style game where we incorporated questions about the new members of our department and the changes in our department. The last year we did a baby picture guessing contest and when each person revealed which was their picture they had to introdcue themselves.
Any and all ideas for a great opening would be appreciated. We do have about 5 new members of our team this year so introductions will be important.
Thank you.
Rachel Edelstein
3 Responses
Management Game?
If you’ve got a couple of hours a computerised management game might serve the purpose. Business & training oriented, team building and competitive fun!
I have used my Product Launch simulation at many conferences (several for training & HR in the UK & the US).
Why not create an Observatory.Everyone brings three items to the observatory. If the item when it is presented on stage passes muster, it goes into your exhibition throughout the event.
You will of course have to determine content and theme of items for the Observatory
Conference Opener
Hi Rachel,
I guess a lot depends on how long you can dedicate to the opener and what kind of space/room resources you will have at your disposal.
I have worked for American companies in the past and been involved in group conferences so why not give me a call or drop me an e-mail and we can talk about the scope of your requirement in more detail and I can give you some very innovative food for thought.
+44 (0) 788 079 0815