Interactive Business Partnership is a well respected HRD consultancy specialising in management and business training and development. An accredited centre for the award of NEBS Management qualifications, we were finalists in the 1999 National Training Awards.
The majority of our clients fall into the following categories:-
– Public sector (primarily local economic development)
– Corporate (in-house management development programmes)
– SME’s (business management)
Our offices are situated in Largs, Ayrshire (30 miles south west of Glasgow) and most of our clients are based in West / Central Scotland although some do lie further afield.
Due to substantial growth over the last year, we are now looking to expand our Scottish network of associate trainers, assessors and coaches.
We have specific requirements for:-
– Management Development Professionals (not necessarily with S/NVQ’s experience)
– Management S/NVQ Assessors (all levels)*
– Business Excellence Advisers
– Quality Management S/NVQ Assessors*
– Business mentors / coaches (not necessarily with S/NVQ experience)
*D32/33 qualified
If you would like to find out more about these opportunities, please contact Janet Parker (details below). And even if your skills do not match the above roles, we are always exploring new business areas and may be interested to talk with you about other contributions / partnerships.
Janet Parker
Interactive Business Partnership Ltd
3 Bath St
KA30 8BL
Tel: 01475 676116
Fax: 01475 689575
Interactive Business Partnership Ltd.
The majority of our clients fall into the following categories:-
- Public sector (primarily local economic development)
- Corporate (in-house management development programmes)
- SME's (business management)
Our offices are situated in Largs, Ayrshire (30 miles south west of Glasgow) and most of our clients are based in West / Central Scotland although some do lie further afield.
Due to substantial growth over the last year, we are now looking to expand our Scottish network of associate trainers, assessors and coaches.
We have specific requirements for:-
- Management Development Professionals (not necessarily with S/NVQ's experience)
- Management S/NVQ Assessors (all levels)*
- Business Excellence Advisers
- Quality Management S/NVQ Assessors*
- Business mentors / coaches (not necessarily with S/NVQ experience)
*D32/33 qualified
If you would like to find out more about these opportunities, please contact Janet Parker (details below). And even if your skills do not match the above roles, we are always exploring new business areas and may be interested to talk with you about other contributions / partnerships.
Janet Parker
Interactive Business Partnership Ltd
3 Bath St
KA30 8BL
Tel: 01475 676116
Fax: 01475 689575
Interactive Business Partnership Ltd.