We are a service sector institute running range of leadership & management courses in Bahrain.
I am looking for a list of consultants who have previous experience of delivering seminars,workshops in this location and topic.
Vincent Coyle
I am looking for a list of consultants who have previous experience of delivering seminars,workshops in this location and topic.
Vincent Coyle
2 Responses
Guest speakers
Hi Vincent,
I worked with Tony Jackson for quite a while, he is out in Dubai at the moment as regional training director with Alico.
He has quite an extensive network and might be able to help.
Let him Know that Doug put you in touch.
Douglas King
Middle East Trainers
Suggest that you contact John Philp of Strawberry Worldwide (john@strawberryworldwide.co.uk). He has been delivering high quality training in this market for several years.
Please mention my introduction if you follow this up.
Jeff Lockhart
Box Yellow Consultancy