We are considering writing standard generic objectives for managers to select from on an annual basis in order to ensure that managers and staff have some concrete objectives which can be evaluated and measured in the annual appraisal. (This system will replace the present system which relies on managers to write objectives of their own free will which has proved difficult. The lack of objectives means that measuring performance at the end of the year is more difficult). We are concentrating on the role of the Plant Manager to start with and so any objectives for this group would be especially beneficial.
kay potter
kay potter
One Response
I’m just launching a “Development Guide” to help Managers with t
Hi – I’ve just finished writing a “Development Guide” for Managers, to be launched in our business in August. One of the sections covers the 13 competencies we have in our business, with a list of between 10 and 25 different generic activities or objectives listed under each one, all of which relate to one or more of the 4 “Learning Styles”, which makes it easier again for the Manager to choose an objective according to the individula’s needs and style.
The Manager would still have to add some “meat on the bones”, to make the objective fit the individual, but the basics are there, which takes the pain away from Managers who struggle with these areas. It also ensures that the Line Manager takes ownership for the objective, rather than handing it out word for word, which I think is an important part of the process.
I’m hoping to set up my own business soon, in which case I plan to launch a similar guide, as I’ve come across a few people with similar needs as yourself.