I am delivering some customer service training and the company I am working for would like to evaluate its benefit. They require candidates to complete a simple feedback form at the end of the day but are happy for me to design the form. Does anyone have any examples that I could use as a starting point?
Mike Mortby
10 Responses
no problem…
Hi Mike,m
If you drop me an email, I’ll happily forward one that I use.
Kind regards,
Colin Hamilton
email: colin@bis-improve.co.uk
Generic evaluation form
I can email you my ‘happy’ sheet.
Templates available to you.
I have some templates you can adopt, adapt and amend to suit your needs.
Email me and I will send them through to you.
Evaluation Form
Drop me an e-mail and I’ll be happy to send you a copy of a ‘Level One’ evaluation form my company uses.
Best Regards
Trevor Rathbone
The Edge Training Consultancy Ltd
evaluation sheet
And so can I. Email me at neil.gratton@bt.com and I will send you my copy. It is very simple.
I do….
I submitted the very same question last year and had a large response which helped me immensely. Please email me to send you my new and fabulous course evaluation form.
Course Evaluation
There are a number of samples at http://www.abctrainingsolutions.biz, in the free trainer resources section, entitled TNA and Evaluation Tools.
Happy Days!
Bryan Edwards
sample evaluation forms
Hi. Happy to let you have a copy of the form we use here. E-mail me if you’re interested.
Example forms on TrainingCheck
I know this question was posted a very long time ago. but for anyone currently looking for example evaluations you can find several examples for different situations on TrainingCheck (http://www.trainingcheck.com/). It’s free to sign up.
has anyone got any simple
has anyone got any simple course evaluation survey form templates please?
thanks in advance