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HBDI and Learning Styles


I use HBDI as a base for designing and delivering training. I aslo use Honey & Mumford's Learning Styles. They seem to map but not fully. Has anyone looked at this question and come up with a clear mapping ?
Steve Reynolds

2 Responses

  1. HBDI v Honey and Mumford
    Not specifically! I have referred to the H&M style more for my information when developing courseware for eLearners.

    However I know a man who might be able to help. So if you’d like to mail me on [email protected], I will supply his email details.

    Not too sure if he’d be happy having them splashed over this page, which is why I am suggesting this.


  2. ILS questionnaire comprehensive
    I am currently researching into how the use of learning styles can enhance teaching in further education,as part of my postgraduate certificate in education.

    The ILS questionnaire seems very comprehensive and you may find the above site of interest.

    I have tried the questionnaire on some of my students and the result roughly equates with what I would expect.

    I should be very interested to hear your reponse or to hear from anyone else who has come to any conclusions on this interesting question.
    [email protected]


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