Ive been asked to do a health and safety slot on our induction course. Its to last an hour and include all the neccessary general information that all staff need to know. Any suggestions? This is not for Managers as they recieve a specific two day event later on
Craig Mitchell
Craig Mitchell
4 Responses
Being safe on day 1
Craig asks about stuff to put in an induction in respect of H&S. Aside from any comments about an hour being too long/not enough etc, I’d suggest one of 2 approaches:
The simple approach – take them on a tour of the place, point out the dangerous bits, why they are dangerous, when back at the classroom, recap briefly, tell them they have a responsibility under the law, as does the employer. Tell them where to find copies of the HASAW policy, first aiders etc (a legal requirement if the company has 5 or more employees I think?). If there is any policy on abuse of protective equipment etc or being dangerous etc, point this out too.
The complex one – hit them with a shed load of info on some or all of the following:
* dangerous area/times/operations
* policy on entering such areas etc without training/supervision
* disciplinary policy on abuse/behaviour/damage to equipment
* where to find copies of hasaw policy & first aiders
* responsibilities under the law for employees AND employer
* Accident book procedures
* any near-miss reporting system
* general hazards & risks in the factory/office/shop etc
* evacuation/fire procedure & meeting points
* need for clocking in & out (if there’s a policy etc)
* personal protective equipment
* manual handling
* display screen equipment
* COSHH (dangerous substances)
* risk assessments
I suggest you go with the first one – if you can’t physically take them on the tour, why not a virtual one – lead them through a plan of the premises & show pictures/video etc of dangerous areas/equipment/processes and any safety procedures etc.
Cheers & be safe!
Martin Schmalenbach
We cover through staff handbook and face to face
New staff are advised on the H&S policy on their first day and are required to sign confirmation they have read this. Also issued with a VDU Booklet on day 1.
They are shown round the office etc by their line manager
We cover basic fire safety using a video etc and an overview of manual handling.
I am planning to offer DSE training and manual handling online in the near future.
1.5 hour health and safety session
Hi we deliver a 1.5 hours presentation to all our new recruits, explaining about all aspects of h & s, incl manual handling, DSE, chemicals and electricity. We also show a 20 minute in house health and safety video. At the end of the session our new recruits are expected to complete a H & S test paper, anyone who fails to reach 75% will not be accepted into employment.
e-based H&S
Hi Craig
CD-ROM based e-learning solutions can be economic on time and initial outlay. A training course will typically last between one to two hours. Questions throughout the material assess the understanding, and may control the routing – to explain things that have not been understood. An assessment or test module, with questions designed to assess the students overall understanding of the material. If the training course lasts more than an hour, the student is able to break from the course, and continue later where he left off.
A Student Record Keeping System is included with each course which stores details of who has attempted each course and when, how much of it they have completed and issue certificates with their test scores.
If you need any further information please contact me :ioluk@aol.com
Best regards,