I've just started a new job with a company that needs to seriously overhaul their whole induction process but I've been asked to focus on the H&S element first of all. The current programme consists of watching videos and presentations for 3 hours....... I'd prefer to deliver something that really gets them thinking and drives home the learning. I've got a few ideas floating around my head but if anyone has been in my shoes and can offer some advice, I'd really appreciate it.
Paula Knowles

5 Responses
Hi Paula,
What aspect of H&S are you wanting to cover? I have an induction in place at the moment whcih covers an overview of most H&S elements.
Many Thanks
Making H&S interesting
Hi Paula
In the three hours I would:
1) 15 minute input as to why H&S is important to us an individuals
2) 15 minute overview on how to undertake a simple area checklist & risk assessment
3) spend 2 hours in small groups going around the org and completing checklists & risk assessments
4) 1/2 hour debrief as to what was learnt
The as a followup I would take the findings back to the areas that were ‘reviewed’ and make sure managers addressed matters raised.
I did this is a hospital for several years – it was a very powerful tool for participants and managers! – needless to say we built a great safety culture.
Thanks Mike for that advice. Stephen – the areas I need to cover include general awareness of H&S issues including manual handling, use of PPE, environmental awareness, quality awareness and procedures, fire safety and evacuation procedures. Just a few areas!!
Health & Safety Induction
Hello Paula
Were you looking to build the induction yourself or use an outside provider? Have you decided on your preferred method of delivery.
We build bespoke e-learning courses and have a number of examples of health & safety inductions. Even if you have already decided to build the induction yourself then you may still like to see a couple of case studies to give you some ideas? Let me know and I can send you the links.
Kind regards
Rachel Parker
H&S Interactive
I once ran a session where the training room was set-up as a H&S nightmare before the delegates came in.
Each delegate was given a note pad and pencil to make notes as they wondered around the room spotting potential problems.
We laid the room out with wires to PC’s sticking out, windows open near PC’s with cups of water next to them (empty of course) blocked access to the fire escape, too many plugs in one socket, various bottles of water coloured with food colour, without warning labels on (potential hazardous liquids)bulbs blinking in the over-head lights, another trainer was picking up boxes in the corner incorrectly (made sure it wasn’t too heavy!) etc..
The groups had real fun spotting the potential H&S breaches, and you make this last as long or short as you want.
We then talked about the potential issues/ways to resolve them/what they meants to the individual, business etc..
It also made a very dry session interactive and fun!!
regards Buffy