I am looking for an outline of the Induction training requirements for Hospital Administration staff (non clinical) in the area of Healthcare Acquired Infection. I have found guidance for clinical staff but not non-clinical.
Very interested to hear any guidance / recommendations you may have.
Paul Allman
I am looking for an outline of the Induction training requirements for Hospital Administration staff (non clinical) in the area of Healthcare Acquired Infection. I have found guidance for clinical staff but not non-clinical.
Very interested to hear any guidance / recommendations you may have.
Paul Allman
2 Responses
MRSA -You can make a difference
Dear Paul
The Training Foundation funded an on-line e-Learning course called MRSA – You can make a difference which is currently in widespread use within Acute and Primary Care Trusts throughout the NHS. This course provides awareness training in MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus) infection control for non-clinical staff and is also being utilised in a range of other contexts.
This unique programme was developed in 2005 when a close relative of one of our management team died of MRSA following a routine operation. We subsequently discovered that, incredibly, there was no national training programme in place for healthcare workers.
You can find out more about this and review a case study at:
Access to the programme is completely free and is also open to patients and relatives that might have concerns about avoiding the spread of MRSA.
Please feel free to make use of our portal at:
However do bear in mind there are a wide range of other hospital acquired infections ( eg. c.difficile) and each has different infection control characteristics.
I hope this helps.
Available programs
Hello Paul,
My company (Intellego) has an infection control training program consisting of 10 e-learning modules which provide the basis of the training need for all personnel working in a health care environment. Depending on the level of patient contact you take only the modules relevant to you.
The modules were developed in collaboration with leading NHS infection control personnel and mapped to the DOH infection control guidelines.
If you would like more information on these or would like to have access to the modules for evaluation please let me know.
Graham Turner
0191 2263505