Working from home reduces stress but leads to fears about isolation and career progression, a survey has revealed. In good news for bosses, the research also shows that home workers are just as committed as their office counterparts.
The research, led by Durham Business School at Durham University, showed that home workers worried about missing-out on ‘water-cooler networking’ – where potential opportunities for moving up the ladder are discussed informally in the office.
But the study revealed that working from home generally had a positive effect on an employee’s work-life balance, giving them more time with family and leading to less stress and burnout.
Only 43 per cent of respondents who worked more than 20 hours per week at home reported feeling a great deal of stress because of their job, compared to 65 per cent of employees who worked solely in the office.
Tom Redman, professor of human resource management at Durham Business School, commented: “There were worries from those we surveyed about a lack of face-time in an organisation – simply because their face wasn’t there to be seen.
“It seems at least for managerial and professional employees in knowledge-based industries that working from home is an antidote to the stresses of office-based working, but this may be at the expense of lower levels of support for career development.”
Redman added: “Employers were worried that staff who worked from home would not be as committed to those extra duties where employees go above and beyond the call of duty for their company.
“However we found that working from home did not undermine this behaviour and the interesting challenge for the future is to see how staff can become corporate citizens electronically.”
The responses of 749 staff in managerial or professional positions in British-based knowledge-intensive industries such as consulting, media, and financial services formed the research.
The research, led by Durham Business School at Durham University, showed that home workers worried about missing-out on 'water-cooler networking' – where potential opportunities for moving up the ladder are discussed informally in the office.
But the study revealed that working from home generally had a positive effect on an employee's work-life balance, giving them more time with family and leading to less stress and burnout.
Only 43 per cent of respondents who worked more than 20 hours per week at home reported feeling a great deal of stress because of their job, compared to 65 per cent of employees who worked solely in the office.
Tom Redman, professor of human resource management at Durham Business School, commented: "There were worries from those we surveyed about a lack of face-time in an organisation – simply because their face wasn't there to be seen.
"It seems at least for managerial and professional employees in knowledge-based industries that working from home is an antidote to the stresses of office-based working, but this may be at the expense of lower levels of support for career development."
Redman added: "Employers were worried that staff who worked from home would not be as committed to those extra duties where employees go above and beyond the call of duty for their company.
"However we found that working from home did not undermine this behaviour and the interesting challenge for the future is to see how staff can become corporate citizens electronically."
The responses of 749 staff in managerial or professional positions in British-based knowledge-intensive industries such as consulting, media, and financial services formed the research.