I am researching how people mentally “Undo” an accident after the event and need to find 250 people who have had an accident in the last 12 months who would be willing to complete a questionnaire. The questionnaire is not about their own accident but uses a scenario as the basis of questions about how people might change something to bring about a different outcome.
Any suggestions or offers of help would be appreciated.
All questionnaire responces are in complete confidence.
I am studying at London Metropolitan University (Psychology Dept).
Paul Lehane
Any suggestions or offers of help would be appreciated.
All questionnaire responces are in complete confidence.
I am studying at London Metropolitan University (Psychology Dept).
Paul Lehane
2 Responses
Some referrals and the DPA
Although they appear to be legitimate companies these kind of companies are often owned by groups of solicitors.
You may find some useful numbers there although I suspect the Data Protection Act may halt most of your enquiries.
Good luck
Local Press/Media
A good way of getting some feedback/interest is to get in touch with professional/trade mags, explain what you are trying to do and how it is relevant to their readers, and see if they will do a short ‘filler’ item on what you are trying to do.
National media are unlikely to be interested unless you have a very strong news angle to it, but if you can develop a local spin to your research, local and regional newspapers may highlight what you are trying to do and point people in your direction.