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How do I get the necessary experience?


Its a tricky situation I find myself in. I am about to qualify with my CiTP in the coming weeks (I hope!) and training is where I want to be. But I don’t work in training at present and to get into training I need the experience but you can’t get that unless you’re in training but I can’t get into it without the experience – a real dilemma. I would be VERY grateful for ANY advice! (I am also willing to lend myself out to assist for free with any training for the experience – just in case you need any unpaid help!) ;o)
Maria Humphreys

Its a tricky situation I find myself in. I am about to qualify with my CiTP in the coming weeks (I hope!) and training is where I want to be. But I don't work in training at present and to get into training I need the experience but you can't get that unless you're in training but I can't get into it without the experience - a real dilemma. I would be VERY grateful for ANY advice! (I am also willing to lend myself out to assist for free with any training for the experience - just in case you need any unpaid help!) ;o)
Maria Humphreys

9 Responses

  1. gaining experience to go with the qualification
    Hi Maria

    Many trainers start by running evening classes for their local adult education institutes. They pay is not fantastic but it is good experience.

    Good luck!

  2. Are you sure?
    Are you sure that you have no experience in training? As part of your current (or previous) role(s) have you never had to help someone learn how to do something? Have you never demonstrated a procedure or process to someone else?

    If you have then you have training experience, you just need to make it clear on your CV that you have experience but that training wasn’t the whole of your job.

    Almost everyone has some training experience before they join the profession they just haven’t thought about it in those terms before.

    Other than that I agree that your local college is a good place to start or you could try negotiating with you current employer to take on some basic training duties.

  3. Sell what you have done
    Hi Maria,
    I am sure most of us have been were you are now. So fear not it can be done. A previous comment about training at work is very valid. List any training you have carried out and the name of the organisation.You can display the organisations on your marketing documentation/website. I contacted local trainers and did a couple of feebies, not only to learn the trade but to add to my “recent client” list. I found the local Chamber business very helpful.
    If I am working in your area I would happily take you along and provide any other help that I can.
    Let me know

  4. Keep going
    Hi Maria
    I echo what has already been posted to you so far. Take heart and put one foot forward. Voluntary work can work wonders for both experience and portfolio. I began by being a mentor with my local Prince’s Trust and that was both rewarding and a great experience. Networking through local business events or your chamber. Once you get one piece of work things often spiral and ripple out from there. Remember a no today is just that – a no for today, not tomorrow or forever. Persevere and you’ll be rewarded.
    Bon chance

  5. suggestion for Maria
    Have you registered for a free trial with Trainerbase too? This is another excellent website for trainers to get their profile viewed by potential clients. Reasonable yearly fee to join also (around £50 ish). I have found it really helpful in many ways.
    Good luck

  6. Been there
    Hi Maria,

    Like others have mentioned, I too was in the exact same situation two years ago. I studied for a Graduate Diploma in Workplace Training, but still found it difficult to progress to the Training Department within the organisation I was working for. Mainly because I didn’t have the previous training experience of other candidates.

    I got my break with a training company that was looking for someone with Call Centre experience (I was a CC Supervisor), and the training was a bonus. So what is your background? Is there a training organisation that specialises in what you have got experience in?

    Good luck!!

    P.S – you’ll never guess who is currently close to signing us for a training contract…yes the organisation I left two years ago to take this job! 😉


  7. Find a company need
    I assume that you have talked to your manager about your career aspirations. If not, do. He/she will not have esp. Some ways I have introduced HR staff into training include:
    * Asked them to run briefing sessions on new HR policies and procedures or a ‘hot’ topic.
    * Assist in appraisal, disciplinary, grievance or interview training. Having someone from HR there in support can be useful (both ways).

  8. Form a partnership
    Hi Maria!

    I’ve just come from an environment where L&D Manager’s would partner (often junior) HRC’s to co-design and facilitate internal training events e.g. a New Leader’s Program. Both would contribute as subject knowledge in a program like that would incl HR systems, tools, etc. There were many benefits incl the ‘safe’ environment, the coaching opportunity, potential succession (for L&D Managers) and the opportunity to trial L&D before making a final commitment.


  9. Advice and offer of experience
    Two things, firstly I originally got into training (for a large financial services organisation) by building a relationship with our regional training manager and helping him to identify specific training needs and then developing credible training solutions (as with most organisations, the amount of training required far exceeded the amount of trainer time available and he was glad for the help). The good thing about that was that I was working in a ‘front-line’ role and was able to give the training the credibility of someone who really knows the subject. Eventually, I built up my credibility and the organisation I was working for created a Branch Trainer Role especially for me. So, if you are in work, do a bit of relationship building, be proactive, make suggestions for training, offer to deliver some training etc.

    The second thing is your offer of help, I work for a Training Provider working with the Voluntary/Community Sector, (we are a charity in our own right) and are desperate for volunteers who can deliver training. I could offer you some experience. Are you based anywhere near the Black Country area of the West Midlands?