I'm 41, male, live in London and have been trying to find the right career for some time. Along the way, I've gained some great experience. I know I'm good at marketing and communication, but I feel drawn (and have felt drawn for years) to training and development. I am a 'natural communicator' and good at organising and structuring. I've also found out recently that according to Myers Briggs, I'm an ENFP, ideally suited to teaching and advocating. I feel an inner need to help people, serve them in some way - but on a fundamental level (not just waiting in a restaurant, for example!). I want to inspire people and need something to be passionate about and also need to be in charge of my own work-day - but equally, I like to be part of a team.
So, my problem is this: how can I found out whether a career in T&D would be right for me (ie do I have the right aptitude)? And if so, what's the best way of getting taught how to train? If anyone can advise, I'd be very grateful.
Many thanks.
Clinton Bell